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Project information

Development of a computer programme prototype to help the communication of ALE patients

M.A. Sanz-Bobi M. Camps M.L. Tavera R. Martínez M.V. Quinteiro-Moreno

October 2002 - December 2002

Funding entity IMSERSO

The main objective of the project is the development of a computer programme prototype, similar to a play, oriented to ALE patients without important knowledge about computers and their use. This prototype will include the main functional characteristics of a computer programme that will allow to the ALE patients the creation of their own «book of digital pictures». The patient will select the digital pictures to be inserted in the book and will add some comments about thinking, feeling and memories that arise from the pictures. The computer programme can be used by hand or head movements by the patient. The computer programme will learn how the patient is doing the classification of the pictures for a later analysis by specialists of the evolution of the ALE patient capabilities.